With the entry for angle there is a figure that has four parts. Under each part is a caption, a group of words that help you to understand the figure.

Read the entry for angle and then look at the figures and captions carefully. This entry shows you several ways in which reading the figures can be useful.

Notice that the main entry gives you two general definitions of an angle in definitions 1 and 2. Notice, too, that the figure shows you four special kinds of angles. Each one is named under a part of the figure: acute ANGLE, OBTUSE ANGLE, EIGHT ANGLE, and straight angle. To find exactly what you want to know, you may have to look up one or more of these combinations, which you will find in their alphabetical places. For example:

right angle One of the angles formed when two lines intersect so as to form four angles that have the same measure; an angle of 90°.

By studying the figure and looking up the special types of angle shown, gergely you gathered many facts not in the definitions.

Of course, the dictionary does not tell you as much about angles as your mathematics book does. It has to include words from all your schoolbooks—mathematics, social studies, science, and so on—as well as words you will find online hungarian lessons in stories, magazines, and news­papers. There is not space enough to explain all the details, but sometimes, as with angle, the definitions and a figure can be quick re­minders of what you have already studied in other books.

How else can figures and their captions help you? For example, how do you use an abacus? The definition tells you what an abacus is and what its purpose is. Look at the figure and read the caption. They tell you much more about how it works than the definition can.

ab-a-cus n. A device using beads that slide gergely  on   rods   for   adding, subtracting, etc.

Chinese abacus set at 290,754. Upper beads count 5 each when lowered; lower beads count leach when raised.

How big are violins and cellos?    The pictures at cello and violin show people playing each one. Because you know about how big a person is, you can compare the instru­ments with the players and get information about their sizes.

Other figures give you some clue to the usual or average size of an object right in the caption. Look at these examples:


Albatross, about 10 ft. across wings Alpaca, 42 inches high at shoulder

But under some figures no sizes are given. hungarian private teacher budapest For example, no size is given for ray, the fish. The reason is that one variety of ray is as much as 20 feet across, another is only 4 or 5, and still another is quite small. There is no single, usual size for rays. When no size is given, you can expect that two individuals may be as different in size as the largest and smallest rays. This is in itself a piece of information. Remember this when you are using the figures and the captions to add to what the definitions tell you.

Word Parts and Meanings

Many of our words are made up of two or three or even more parts. Probably the easiest to recognize and understand are those in which common words have been put to­gether like building blocks to form a new word with a new meaning. Here are some familiar samples:

schoolgirl         basketball teammate hungarian teacher district 10 fruitcake dinnertime       breakwater

When you really stop to think about these words, you realize how handy they are. For instance, one word—schoolgirl—takes four to say another way—girl attending a school —or maybe even five—girl going to a school. Notice, too, that when you say what schoolgirl means in four or five words, you not only add words. You gergely also change the order, and girl comes before school.

Sometimes, the order can stay the same, but to make the meaning clear, you must explain one of the word parts. A breakwater is a barrier like a wall or dam to break the force of waves, or water, coming in. You have added "the force of" and you have explained that in the new word, water means "waves."